Central Oklahoma Master Conservancy District Del City Waterline Replacement


Central Oklahoma Master Conservancy District


Norman, Oklahoma
United States





Construction Management


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The project included the design and replacement of an existing 34,000 linear feet (LF), 18-inch to 24-inch diameter raw water transmission pipeline.  Approximately 19,000 LF of the transmission main was replaced with a parallel line constructed in the same easement.  An additional 9,600 LF of the pipeline was located in the front and back yards of Oklahoma City residents and rehabilitated using trenchless methods to limit disturbance of the residents. The project included evaluation and comparison of viable trenchless rehabilitation methodologies and hydraulic and surge analysis of the existing and proposed transmission lines. 

A full Environmental Assessment was required to document impacts to the environment, to Jurisdictional Waters of the U.S. and to existing archeological resources, since the new pipeline was in a current U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) easement. Plummer provided environmental services including environmental surveys, NEPA document assistance, waterway permitting, and Section 404 permit coordination.

During this project, we coordinated with the USBR, the Oklahoma Department of Transportation, the City of Del City, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Tinker Air Force Base, and numerous private utilities. 


Upper Trinity Regional Water District Stone Hill Parallel 72-inch Pipeline

Plummer designed a 3.8-mile, 72-inch diameter parallel pipeline, which included 10 trenchless crossings.

Oklahoma City Atoka Pipeline Design

Oklahoma City receives a significant portion of its water from southeastern Oklahoma via a 100-mile-long, 60-inch diameter, pre-stressed concrete cylinder pipeline (PCCP) that was originally installed in the early 1960s.

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