City of Denison
Denison, Texas
United States
The City of Denison retained Plummer to design a new intake structure and pump station at Randell Lake to provide raw water to the City’s Randell water treatment plant (WTP). Plummer’s design replaced the original, 100-year-old facilities. The new pump station’s initial capacity was 20 million gallons per day (mgd), with an ultimate 30-mgd capacity utilizing parallel pipelines.
The pump station design included provisions to prevent zebra mussel settlement, such as copper-clad intake screens and chlorine dioxide chemical feed facilities. A concentration-time study was performed and approved by the TCEQ, allowing the City to receive credit for the chlorine contact time from the intake screen to the WTP through the parallel 24-inch pipelines. Plummer also assisted the City with the USACE Section 404 permitting and oversaw the construction phase. The successful completion of this project led to Denison awarding Plummer with their 30-mgd Texoma Raw Water Pump Station project.
The City of Greeley required a new lift station to collect and pump wastewater from the St. Michaels subdivision to the gravity sewer installed for the UC Health facility.
Plano’s Spring Creek Lift Station No. 2 was originally designed for a firm capacity of 60 million gallons per day (mgd); however, it had never been able to pump more than 32 mgd.
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