Odo J. Riedel Regional Water Reclamation Plant – Expansion to 10 MGD


Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority


Schertz, Texas
United States


Electrical, Instrumentation & Controls (EI & C)




Project Gallery

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Plummer designed an expansion of the existing 4-MGD regional water reclamation facility to 10-MGD to serve the fast-growing communities northeast of San Antonio. Improvements consisted of replacement preliminary treatment unit, a 4 MGD aeration basin/clarifier treatment train, a dewatering building, sludge holding tank, effluent filters, post aeration, and chemical facilities.

Plummer’s EI&C Team was the lead electrical, instrumentation, and control engineer for the project. As part of the project, Plummer designed a new 480-volt electrical distribution system for the new facilities which included a new 2000 KVA service drop and four (4) motor control centers, as well as improvements to the existing electrical system to allow an emergency feed from the standby generator feeding the new process equipment.

Plummer’s design work included performing an electrical power system study to determine protective device settings, short circuit, andARC flash boundaries. Plummer performed voltage drop calculations on distribution feeders and prepared the plans and specifications for the electrical system and equipment upgrades. Plummer also designed and developed the process and instrumentation diagrams, and the fiber optic network design for the in-plant PLC/HMI network. The Plummer EI&C Team wrote the contract documents for procurement, installation and configuration of the six (6) AllenBradley PLC control panels, including an in-plant radio network for twelve remove pump panels, an Allen Bradley Factory talk SCADA system and included are mote auto-dialer system for off-hours alarm notification. The EI&C Team developed the input/output lists and control strategies; selected instruments; and coordinated the PLC memory maps for vendor-furnished PLCs.


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Bunker Hill Lift Station Replacement

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