Upper Trinity Regional Water District
Collin, Hunt, and Fannin Counties, Texas
Construction Observation
QA/QC Oversight
Construction Inspection
Plummer is providing construction observation services for 35 miles of 66-inch steel raw water pipeline. This project is being built using a CMAR delivery method. The construction value is approximately $200 million.
Pummer is providing quality assurance and quality control oversight for testing, including backfill density testing, welding (CWI), and pipeline coatings testing. Our team provides daily field reports and inspection reports for the client.
The water treatment plant expansion from 4 MGD to 6 MGD includes a new raw water pump station, conveyance piping, and an Actiflo pretreatment system.
Plummer is currently serving in a third-party construction management and inspection role for the Sabine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion.
As a result of Tinker Air Force Base expanding eastward and closing public road access, the existing 60-inch potable water transmission main needs to be relocated.
The water treatment plant expansion from 4 MGD to 6 MGD includes a new raw water pump station, conveyance piping, and an Actiflo pretreatment system.
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