Hillsborough County
Hillsborough County, Florida
Full-time Construction Management and Inspection
Resident Project Representatives
The South County Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility (SCAWWTF) is critical to serving the rapidly growing population in southern Hillsborough County. To meet the increasing demand for wastewater treatment, under Hillsborough County’s One Water Program, the County initiated a modular expansion of the facility. This expansion ensures the facility can continue to effectively treat wastewater while maintaining compliance with stringent environmental regulations.
Plummer is providing CEI services for Hillsborough County and overseeing their Fixed Priced Design-Build team’s construction, which includes adding a treatment train to the SCAWWTF and increasing the treatment capacity from 10 to 13 MGD. Services include construction management, engineering support services, meetings, Critical Path Method scheduling, County Asset Management System, surveying review, geotechnical, pressure testing, disinfecting, monthly review of pay applications, change order negotiations, coordination of MOPOs with operations, submittal reviews, non-conformance tracking, weekly QA/QC review with the County and Design-Build Team, and on-site construction inspection services.
The South Wastewater Treatment Plant is a membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility, adjacent to the Post Oak Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant on a greenfield site.
Plummer is providing construction observation services for 35 miles of 66-inch steel raw water pipeline.
As a result of Tinker Air Force Base expanding eastward and closing public road access, the existing 60-inch potable water transmission main needs to be relocated.
The South Wastewater Treatment Plant is a membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility, adjacent to the Post Oak Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant on a greenfield site.
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