Sabine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion


North Texas Municipal Water District


Royse City, Texas


Construction Management


Third-Party Construction Management

Resident Project Representative

Construction Inspection

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Plummer is currently serving in a third-party construction management and inspection role for the Sabine Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant expansion. The project involves the construction of a parallel treatment train to increase the 3 MGD plant to 7 MGD, including various components such as a preliminary treatment unit, aeration basin, blowers, secondary clarifiers, tertiary filter, dewatering facility improvements, secondary sludge pump station, chemical feed systems, lift station, site piping, buildings, electrical infrastructure, SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), odor control system, and UV system.

Plummer is responsible for facilitating the start-up and training for the new treatment train, and coordination of new power to the site and plant operations.


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